Eve Torres Pregnant Heath is ok?

Thursday 27 August 2015

I'm growing love, life, and Renergy in my belly!! (Eve Says In instagram)

Source FaceBook Page Eve Torres
Previous WWE Diva Eve talks about pregnancy :


WWE.COM: Firstly, congrats to you and Rener on your huge declaration.

EVE: Bless your heart! We are so eager to be folks!

WWE.COM: We last talked with you somewhat more than one year back and you were keeping occupied with acting in "The Scorpion Ruler 4" and Gracie Foundation's Ladies Engaged. From that point forward, you've gotten much busier.

EVE: A year ago was a truly incredible year. After Rener [Gracie] and I got hitched, I had a repeating part in a television arrangement, "Bullfighter," over the mid year. Directly after that, I went straight to China to shoot a motion picture with Jackie Chan. I did that up until December.

WWE.COM: Would you say you are getting more offers for acting parts?

EVE: Yes. Being offered the part in the Jackie Chan film was stunning. I got the opportunity to do a battle scene with Jackie Chan. I truly delighted in it. I feel that I got the opportunity to utilize the greater part of my qualities and had a considerable measure of fun. As timing has it, it's a decent time for me to enjoy a reprieve from the motion picture and TV scene while I plan for our new expansion.

WWE.COM: How might you contrast doing a film battle scene with having a match in WWE?

EVE: They are altogether different however I felt a great deal more open to doing it in view of my WWE experience. There is a great deal of what I realized in WWE in film, particularly that particular sort of film. You need to locate you're character. You need to make sense of how your character would battle. That is something that I learned in WWE.

Other things are altogether different. In movies, we are doing various takes and we are not really hitting one another … more often than not [laughs]. It's altogether different, however I felt that my WWE encounter truly helped me with my battle scenes.

WWE.COM: Are the backstage scenes that we shoot in WWE comparative at all to what goes ahead in the motion pictures?

EVE: There are a few similitudes. In WWE, some of the time we are live and don't have different takes. Getting the experience of being under weight to perform in WWE without a doubt made a difference. Being on a motion picture set is an entirely unexpected vitality in light of the fact that there are such a large number of various types of scenes. Performing for WWE did as such much for me as far as showing me the proper behavior and doing battling scene

WWE.COM: Has your pregnancy influenced you showing Gracie Foundation's Ladies Engaged?

EVE: If hasn't yet. Regardless i'm showing classes and Rener and I will be heading out June to instruct our military work force. We are going to Stronghold Campbell. We have been working with the military and showing law authorization officers too. I'll continue educating until the child instructs me to stop.

WWE.COM: Have you requested a custom newborn child size Gracie Foundation gi yet?

EVE: Yes. We've as of now got one [laughs].

WWE.COM: Are WWE and UFC as of now in an offering war to sign the infant?

EVE: [Laughs] Would you be able to envision? That is a great deal of weight to put on an infant.

WWE.COM: WWE recently reported that WWE Diva Hunt is returning and will be on WWE System. As an onetime contender and champ yourself, do you have any guidance for future Diva hopefuls?

EVE: I'm glad to hear that Diva Hunt is back. I was pondering when WWE would bring it back. The one thing that I generally urge ladies who need to be WWE Divas to do is have something you are enthusiastic about. For me it was Jiu-Jitsu and hand to hand fighting. For a few individuals it's soccer. Whatever it will be, it gives you certainty and that will interpret. That is the thing that WWE fans search for. That is the thing that WWE searches for in their Divas. WWE needs ladies who are sure and can deal with everything that being a WWE Diva accompanies like bunches of travel and being intense. 

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